
25Bird in HandValue the one bird in your hand rather than those in flight — begin action with the resources at hand.In this manga, the heroine utilizes effectuation effectively.Think in which scene it happened.(An example answer can be found on the 2D barcode at the right)* Created with the cooperation of Dr. Nobuhiko Hibara, Associate Professor of Finance, Waseda Business School, Waseda University and President, Japan Effectuation AssociationLemonadeAs delicious lemonade can be made from sour lemons, encounter with the unexpected can turn into something with a value by adding an idea.Affordable LossBecause of the difficulty to foresee the future when tackling something new, take action within the range in which you can afford to lose.Pilot in the PlaneLike a pilot who controls an airplane under all circumstances, we need to concentrate on what we can control and act with versatility utilizing the means and methods available.Crazy QuiltLike a quilt made by sowing together pieces of cloth that vary in pattern and shape, create something new with people around you.Delving deep understandingto gain Decision-making by the entrepreneur— What are the 5 principles of effectuation?Effectuation is a theory that systematizes the approaches shared by successful entrepreneurs and consists of the following 5 principles.

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